Function objectProxy

Creates a proxy of target, so that regular property setting will be intercepted and output on a Reactive object as well.

const { proxy, rx } = Rx.From.objectProxy({ colour: `red`, x: 10, y: 20 });

rx.onValue(v => {
// Get notified when proxy is changed

// Get and set properties as usual
proxy.x = 20; // Triggers Reactive

Keep in mind that changing target directly won't affect the proxied object or Reactive. Thus, only update the proxied object after calling fromProxy.

The benefit of objectProxy instead of Rx.From.object is because the proxied object can be passed to other code that doesn't need to know anything about Reactive objects.

You can assign the return values to more meaningful names using JS syntax.

const { proxy:colour, rx:colourRx } = Rx.From.objectProxy({ colour: `red` });

See also:

  • objectProxySymbol: Instead of {proxy,rx} return result, puts the rx under a symbol on the proxy.
  • Type Parameters

    • V extends object


    • target: V

    Returns {
        proxy: V;
        rx: Reactive<V> & {
            set(value: V): void;
        } & {
            onDiff(changes: ((changes: PathDataChange<any>[]) => void)): (() => void);
            onField(fieldName: string, handler: ((result: ObjectFieldHandler) => void)): (() => void);
            update(changedPart: RecursivePartial<V>): V;
            updateField(field: string, value: any): void;
        } & {
            last(): V;

    • proxy: V
    • rx: Reactive<V> & {
          set(value: V): void;
      } & {
          onDiff(changes: ((changes: PathDataChange<any>[]) => void)): (() => void);
          onField(fieldName: string, handler: ((result: ObjectFieldHandler) => void)): (() => void);
          update(changedPart: RecursivePartial<V>): V;
          updateField(field: string, value: any): void;
      } & {
          last(): V;