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    Class PrimitiveTracker<V, TResult>Abstract

    Base tracker class

    Type Parameters

    • Vextendsnumber | string
    • TResult

    Hierarchy (View Summary)



    debug: boolean
    id: string
    timestamps: number[]
    values: V[]


    • get elapsed(): number

      Returns the elapsed time, in milliseconds since the instance was created

      Returns number

    • get initial(): undefined | V

      Returns the initial value, or undefined

      Returns undefined | V

    • get last(): undefined | V

      Returns undefined | V

    • get size(): number

      Returns number of recorded values (this can include the initial value)

      Returns number


    • Adds a value, returning computed result.

      At this point, we check if the buffer is larger than resetAfterSamples. If so, reset() is called. If not, we check sampleLimit. If the buffer is twice as large as sample limit, trimStore() is called to take it down to sample limit, and onTrimmed() is called.


      • ...p: V[]

      Returns TResult

    • Reduces size of value store to limit. Returns number of remaining items


      • limit: number

      Returns number