opts: TrackedValueOptsProtected
idReturns the elapsed time, in milliseconds since the instance was created
Returns the initial value, or undefined
Returns number of recorded values (this can include the initial value)
Difference between last value and initial. Eg. if last value was 10 and initial value was 5, 5 is returned (10 - 5) If either of those is missing, undefined is returned
When trimmed, recomputes to set total/min/max to be based on current values.
Relative difference between last value and initial. Eg if last value was 10 and initial value was 5, 2 is returned (200%)
Reset tracker
Adds a value, returning computed result.
At this point, we check if the buffer is larger than resetAfterSamples
. If so, reset()
is called.
If not, we check sampleLimit
. If the buffer is twice as large as sample limit, trimStore()
called to take it down to sample limit, and onTrimmed()
is called.
Reduces size of value store to limit
. Returns
number of remaining items
Base tracker class