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    Function timeout

    • Returns a Timeout that can be triggered, cancelled and reset. Use continuously for interval- based loops.

      Once start() is called, callback will be scheduled to execute after interval. If start() is called again, the waiting period will be reset to interval.


      Returns Timeout


      const fn = () => {
      const t = timeout(fn, 60*1000);
      t.start(); // After 1 minute `fn` will run, printing to the console
      t.cancel();  // Cancel it from running
      t.start(); // Schedule again after 1 minute
      t.start(30*1000); // Cancel that, and now scheduled after 30s

      // Get the current state of timeout
      t.runState; // "idle", "scheduled" or "running"

      Callback function receives any additional parameters passed in from start. This can be useful for passing through event data:

      const t = timeout( (elapsedMs, ...args) => {
      // args contains event data
      }, 1000);
      el.addEventListener(`click`, t.start);

      Asynchronous callbacks can be used as well:

      timeout(async () => {...}, 100);

      If you don't expect to need to control the timeout, consider using delay, which can run a given function after a specified delay.