Returns result of callback
const result = await delay(async () => Math.random(), 1000);
console.log(result); // Prints out result after one second
If the interval
option is a number its treated as milliseconds. Interval can also be used:
const result = await delay(async () => Math.random(), { mins: 1 });
If await
is omitted, the function will run after the provided timeout, and code will continue to run.
await delay(async () => {
}, 1000);
// Prints out a random number after 1 second.
delay and sleep are similar. delay()
takes a parameter of what code to execute after the timeout, while sleep()
just resolves after the timeout.
Optionally takes an AbortSignal to cancel delay.
const ac = new AbortController();
// Super long wait
await delay(someFn, { signal: ac.signal, hours: 1 }}
ac.abort(); // Cancels long delay
It also allows choice of when delay should happen. If you want to be able to cancel or re-run a delayed function, consider using timeout instead.
Pauses execution for interval after which the asynchronous
is executed and awaited. Must be called withawait
if you want the pause effect.