Type Alias CartesianPlotOptions

CartesianPlotOptions: {
    axisStyle: LineStyle;
    connectStyle: "" | "line";
    grid: Partial<GridStyle>;
    margin: number;
    range: "auto" | {
        max: Point;
        min: Point;
    show: Partial<ShowOptions>;
    textStyle: TextStyle;
    valueStyle: "dot" | "";
    whiskerLength: number;

Type declaration

  • axisStyle: LineStyle

    Drawing settings for axis (if 'showAxes' is enabled)

  • connectStyle: "" | "line"

    How values are connected. Default: '' (no connecting) Values are connected in order of dataset.

  • grid: Partial<GridStyle>

    Gridline setting

  • margin: number

    Margin around whole plot area. Use to avoid dots being cut off by edge of canvas

  • range: "auto" | {
        max: Point;
        min: Point;

    If 'auto' (default), range of plot is based on data. Otherwise specify the range, eg: { min: {x:-1,y:-1}, {x:1,y:1}}

  • show: Partial<ShowOptions>
  • textStyle: TextStyle
  • valueStyle: "dot" | ""

    How values are drawn. Default: 'dot'

  • whiskerLength: number