Type Alias UpstreamOptions<In>

UpstreamOptions<In>: {
    debugLabel: string;
    disposeIfSourceDone: boolean;
    lazy: Lazy;
    onDispose: ((reason: string) => void);
    onStart: (() => void);
    onStop: (() => void);
    onValue: ((v: In) => void);

Type Parameters

  • In

Type declaration

  • debugLabel: string
  • disposeIfSourceDone: boolean

    If true (default), we dispose the underlying stream if the upstream closes. This happens after onStop() is called.

  • lazy: Lazy
  • onDispose: ((reason: string) => void)
      • (reason): void
      • Parameters

        • reason: string

        Returns void

  • onStart: (() => void)

    Called just before we subscribe to source

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • onStop: (() => void)

    Called after we unsubscribe from source

      • (): void
      • Returns void

  • onValue: ((v: In) => void)
      • (v): void
      • Parameters

        Returns void