Type Alias ReactiveDiff<V>

ReactiveDiff<V>: Reactive<V> & ReactiveWritable<V> & {
    onDiff(changes: ((changes: PathDataChange<any>[]) => void)): (() => void);
    onField(fieldName: string, handler: ((result: ObjectFieldHandler) => void)): (() => void);
    update(changedPart: RecursivePartial<V>): V;
    updateField(field: string, value: any): void;

Type Parameters

  • V

Type declaration

  • onDiff:function
    • Notifies of which field(s) were changed. If you just care about the whole, changed data use the value event.

      Use the returned function to unsubscribe.


      Returns (() => void)

        • (): void
        • Returns void

  • onField:function
    • Notifies when the value of fieldName is changed.

      Use the returned function to unsubscribe.


      Returns (() => void)

        • (): void
        • Returns void

  • update:function
    • Updates the reactive with some partial key-value pairs. Keys omitted are left the same as the current value.


      Returns V

      Returns new value

  • updateField:function
    • Updates a particular field by its path


      • field: string
      • value: any

      Returns void