Type Alias CombineLatestOptions

CombineLatestOptions: {
    afterEmit: "undefined" | "last";
    finalValue: "undefined" | "last";
    onSourceDone: "allow" | "break";

Type declaration

  • afterEmit: "undefined" | "last"

    After an array is emitted, what to do with last values. By default, the last value is kept. If 'undefined' is used, undefined is used until source emits again.

    Default: 'last'

  • finalValue: "undefined" | "last"

    If we continue synchronisation when a source is done (via onSourceDone:'allow'), what source should be returned for a completed source?

    • 'undefined': undefined
    • 'last': the last received value, or undefined

    Default: 'undefined'

  • onSourceDone: "allow" | "break"