Type Alias Path

Path: {
        | "compound"
        | "elliptical"
        | "circular"
        | "arc"
        | "bezier/cubic"
        | "bezier/quadratic"
        | "line";
    bbox(): RectPositioned;
    distanceToPoint(point: Point): number;
    interpolate(t: number): Point;
    length(): number;
    nearest(point: Point): Point;
    relativePosition(point: Point, intersectionThreshold: number): number;
    toString(): string;
    toSvgString(): readonly string[];

Type declaration

  • Readonlykind:
        | "compound"
        | "elliptical"
        | "circular"
        | "arc"
        | "bezier/cubic"
        | "bezier/quadratic"
        | "line"

    Well-known path kind

  • bbox:function
  • distanceToPoint:function
    • Distance from start of path to this point. If path is closed (eg. a circle) it may have some arbitary 'start' point


      Returns number

  • interpolate:function
    • Returns a point at a relative (0.0-1.0) position along the path

      Inverse of relativePosition.


      • t: number

        Relative position (0.0-1.0)

      Returns Point


  • length:function
    • Length of path

      Returns number

  • nearest:function
    • Returns the nearest point on path to point


      Returns Point

  • relativePosition:function
    • Returns relative position of point along path. If pt is same as start, result will be 0, if it's the same as end, it will be 1.

      Inverse of interpolate.


      • point: Point
      • intersectionThreshold: number

      Returns number

  • toString:function
    • Returns a string representation of pth values

      Returns string

  • toSvgString:function
    • Returns an array of SVG segments that can render path

      Returns readonly string[]