Namespace Text

Text processing


  • between: Return text between a start and end match
  • countCharsFromStart: Count the number of times a given set of characters appear at the beginning of a string
  • omitChars: Returns source with a given number of characters removed
  • splitByLength: Splits up a source string into x-charcter sized chunks
  • startsEnds: Returns true if a string starts and end with the given strings
  • unwrap: 'Unwraps' a string, removing characters if they appear at beginning and end
  • beforeMatch: Returns from the start of a string until match has been found
  • afterMatch: As above, but returns part of string after match
// If library is stored two directories up under `ixfx/`
import {between} from '../../ixfx/dist/text.js';
// Import from web
import {between} from ''


Type Aliases
