Function point

A tracked point. Create via Trackers.point. Mutable. Useful for monitoring how it changes over time. Eg. when a pointerdown event happens, to record the start position and then track the pointer as it moves until pointerup.

See also

import { point } from '';

// Create a tracker on a pointerdown
const t = point();

// ...and later, tell it when a point is seen (eg. pointermove)
const nfo = t.seen({x: evt.x, y:evt.y});
// nfo gives us some details on the relation between the seen point, the start, and points inbetween
// nfo.angle, nfo.centroid, nfo.speed etc.

Compute based on last seen point

t.x / t.y
t.length; // Total length of accumulated points
t.elapsed; // Total duration since start
t.lastResult; // The PointSeenInfo for last seen point


t.reset(); // Reset tracker

By default, the tracker only keeps track of the initial point and does not store intermediate 'seen' points. To use the tracker as a buffer, set storeIntermediate option to true.

// Keep only the last 10 points
const t = point({
sampleLimit: 10

// Store all 'seen' points
const t = point({
storeIntermediate: true

// In this case, the whole tracker is automatically
// reset after 10 samples
const t = point({
resetAfterSamples: 10

When using a buffer limited by sampleLimit, the 'initial' point will be the oldest in the buffer, not actually the very first point seen.