Function integerSource

Returns a function that produces a random integer between max (exclusive) and 0 (inclusive) Use integer if you want a random number directly.

Invoke directly:

integerSource(10)();  // Random number 0-9

Or keep a reference to re-compute:

const r = integerSource(10);
r(); // Produce a random integer

If a negative value is given, this is assumed to be the minimum (inclusive), with 0 as the max (inclusive)

integerSource(-5)();  // Random number from -5 to 0

Specify options for a custom minimum or source of random:

integerSource({ max: 5,  min: 10 })();  // Random number 4-10
integerSource({ max: -5, min: -10 })(); // Random number from -10 to -6
integerSource({ max: 10, source: Math.random })(); // Random number between 0-9, with custom source of random

Throws an error if max & min are equal

  • Parameters

    • maxOrOptions: number | Readonly<{
          max: number;
          min?: number;
          source?: RandomSource;

      Max value (exclusive), or set of options

    Returns RandomSource

    Random integer