Function averageWeighted

Computes an average of an array with a set of weights applied.

Weights can be provided as an array, expected to be on 0..1 scale, with indexes matched up to input data. Ie. data at index 2 will be weighed by index 2 in the weightings array.

import { averageWeighted } from '';
// All items weighted evenly
averageWeighted([1,2,3], [1,1,1]); // 2

// First item has full weight, second half, third quarter
averageWeighted([1,2,3], [1, 0.5, 0.25]); // 1.57

// With reversed weighting of [0.25,0.5,1] value is 2.42

A function can alternatively be provided to compute the weighting based on array index, via weight.

import { weight,averageWeighted } from '';
import { gaussian } from '';
averageWeighted[1,2,3], gaussian()); // 2.0

This is the same as:

import { weight,averageWeighted } from '';
import { gaussian } from '';

const data = [1,2,3];
const w = weight(data, gaussian());
const avg = averageWeighted(data, w); // 2.0

average Compute averages without weighting.

  • Parameters

    • data: number[] | readonly number[]

      Data to average

    • weightings: number[] | readonly number[] | ((value: number) => number)

      Array of weightings that match up to data array, or an easing function

    Returns number