Function towardZero

Pushes a bipolar value toward zero by amount. Return value is clamped on bipolar range of -1..1

import { Bipolar } from '';
Bipolar.towardZero(-1, 0.1); // -0.9
Bipolar.towardZero( 1, 0.1); // 0.9
Bipolar.towardZero( 0, 0.1); // 0.0
Bipolar.towardZero( 1, 1.1); // 0.0

If amount is greater than 1, 0 is returned. Throws an error if bipolarValue or amount are not numbers. Throws an error if amount is below zero.

  • Parameters

    • bipolarValue: number

      Bipolar value to nudge toward zero

    • amount: number

      Amount to nudge by

    Returns number

    Bipolar value -1...1