• Returns a function which cycles between 0..1 (inclusive of 0 and 1). totalTicks is how many ticks it takes to get to 1. Since we want an inclusive 0 & 1, the total ticks is actually +1.

    Ie. if totalTicks = 10, we get: 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0

    Use 'exclusiveStart' and 'exclusiveEnd' flags to shift range. Eg, with totalTicks of 10:

    • 'exclusiveStart:true': first value is 0.1, last value is 1.0 (10 values total)
    • 'exclusiveEnd:true': first value is 0, last value is 0.9 (10 values total)
    • If both are true, first value is 0.1, last value is 0.9 (9 values total)
    • If both are false (or not set), we get the case described earlier, first value is 0, last value is 1 (11 values total)

    Other examples:

    • totalTicks: 20, value goes up by 0.05
    • totalTicks: 1, value goes up by 1


    • totalTicks: number

      Positive, integer value. How many ticks to complete a cycle

    • options: Partial<TicksModSettableOptions> = {}

    Returns ModSettable