Function start

Attempts to start a video-only stream from a camera into a hidden VIDEO element for frame capture. The VIDEO element is created automatically.

import { Camera } from ''
import { Video } from ''

try {
const { videoEl, dispose } = await Camera.start();
for await (const frame of Video.frames(videoEl)) {
// Do something with pixels...
} catch (ex) {
console.error(`Video could not be started`);

Be sure to call the dispose() function to stop the video stream and remov the created VIDEO element.

Constraints can be specified to select a camera and resolution:

import { Camera } from ''
import { Video } from ''

try {
const { videoEl, dispose } = await Camera.start({
facingMode: `environment`,
max: { width: 640, height: 480 }

for await (const frame of Video.frames(videoEl)) {
// Do something with pixels...
} catch (ex) {
// Can happen if user cancels camera request, for example.
console.error(`Video could not be started`, ex);

An alternative to Video.frames is Video.capture.

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<Io.Camera.StartResult>

    Returns { videoEl, dispose }, where videoEl is the created VIDEO element, and dispose is a function for removing the element and stopping the video.