Returns the points forming an arrow.
const opts = { tailLength: 10, arrowSize: 20, tailThickness: 5, angleRadian: degreeToRadian(45)}const arrow = Shapes.arrow({x:100, y:100}, `tip`, opts); // Yields an array of points// Eg: draw pointsDrawing.connectedPoints(ctx, arrow, {strokeStyle: `red`, loop: true}); Copy
const opts = { tailLength: 10, arrowSize: 20, tailThickness: 5, angleRadian: degreeToRadian(45)}const arrow = Shapes.arrow({x:100, y:100}, `tip`, opts); // Yields an array of points// Eg: draw pointsDrawing.connectedPoints(ctx, arrow, {strokeStyle: `red`, loop: true});
Origin of arrow
Does origin describe the tip, tail or middle?
Options for arrow
Returns the points forming an arrow.
Example: Create an arrow anchored by its tip at 100,100