Function getEdgeX

Returns a point on the edge of rectangle

import { Rects } from "";

const r1 = {x: 10, y: 10, width: 100, height: 50};
Rects.getEdgeX(r1, `right`); // Yields: 110
Rects.getEdgeX(r1, `bottom`); // Yields: 10

const r2 = {width: 100, height: 50};
Rects.getEdgeX(r2, `right`); // Yields: 100
Rects.getEdgeX(r2, `bottom`); // Yields: 0
  • Parameters

    • rect: Rect | RectPositioned
    • edge:
          | "right"
          | "bottom"
          | "left"
          | "top"

      Which edge: right, left, bottom, top

    Returns number