Project origin by distance and angle (radians).

To figure out rotation, imagine a horizontal line running through origin.

  • Rotation = 0 deg puts the point on the right of origin, on same y-axis
  • Rotation = 90 deg/3:00 puts the point below origin, on the same x-axis
  • Rotation = 180 deg/6:00 puts the point on the left of origin on the same y-axis
  • Rotation = 270 deg/12:00 puts the point above the origin, on the same x-axis
// Yields a point 100 units away from 10,20 with 10 degrees rotation (ie slightly down)
const a = Points.project({x:10, y:20}, 100, degreeToRadian(10));
  • Parameters

    • origin: Point
    • distance: number
    • angle: number

    Returns {
        x: number;
        y: number;

    • x: number
    • y: number