Function run

Runs a series of async expressions, returning the results. Use runSingle if it's only a single result you care about.

const result = run([
() => 10,
() => 2,
() => 3
// Yields: 10

Options can be passed for evaluation:

const result = run([
(args) => {
if (args === 'apple') return 100;
() => {
return 10;
const expr = [
(opts) => 10,
(opts) => 2,
(opts) => 3
const opts = {
rank: (a, b) => {
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
const result = await run(expr, opts);
// Returns: 2

In terms of typing, it takes an generic arguments ArgsType and ResultType:

  • ArgsType: type of expression arguments. This might be void if no arguments are used.
  • ResultType: return type of expression functions

Thus the expressions parameter is an array of functions:

(args:ArgsType|undefined) => ResultType|undefined
// or
(args:ArgsType|undefined) => Promise<ResultType|undefined>


const expressions = [
// Function takes a string arg
(args:string) => return true; // boolean is the necessary return type
const run<string,boolean>(expressions, opts, 'hello');