Function keysToNumbers

Returns a copy of object with integer numbers as keys instead of whatever it has.

keysToNumbers({ '1': true }); // Yields: { 1: true }

The onInvalidKey sets how to handle keys that cannot be converted to integers.

  • 'throw' (default): throws an exception
  • 'ignore': that key & value is ignored
  • 'keep': uses the string key instead
keysToNumber({ hello: 'there' }, `ignore`); // Yields: {  }
keysToNumber({ hello: 'there' }, `throw`); // Exception
keysToNumber({ hello: 'there' }, `keep`); // Yields: { hello: 'there' }

Floating-point numbers will be converted to integer by rounding.

keysToNumbers({ '2.4': 'hello' }); // Yields: { 2: 'hello' }
  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • object: Record<any, T>
    • onInvalidKey: "throw" | "ignore" | "keep" = ...

    Returns Record<number, T>