Function compareData

  • Scans object, producing a list of changed fields where B's value (newer) differs from A (older).


    • deepEntries (false): If false Object.entries are used to scan the object. However this won't work for some objects, eg event args, thus true is needed.
    • eq (JSON.stringify): By-value comparison function
    • includeMissingFromA (_false): If true includes fields present on B but missing on A.
    • asPartial (_false): If true, treats B as a partial update to B. This means that things missing from B are not considered removals.

    Type Parameters

    • V extends Record<string, any>


    • a: V

      'Old' value

    • b: Partial<V>

      'New' value

    • options: Partial<CompareDataOptions<V>> = {}

      Options for comparison

    Returns Generator<PathDataChange<any>>