Function randomPluck

Removes a random item from an array, returning both the item and the new array as a result. Does not modify the original array unless mutate parameter is true.

import { Arrays } from '';

const data = [100, 20, 40];
const {value, array} = Arrays.randomPluck(data);
// value: 20, array: [100, 40], data: [100, 20, 40];
import { Arrays } from '';

const data = [100, 20, 40];
const {value} = Arrays.randomPluck(data, true);
// value: 20, data: [100, 40];
  • Type Parameters

    • V

      Type of items in array


    • array: readonly V[] | V[]

      Array to pluck item from

    • mutate: boolean = false

      If true, changes input array. False by default.

    • rand: RandomSource = Math.random

      Random generatr. Math.random by default.

    Returns {
        array: V[];
        value: undefined | V;

    Returns an object {value:V|undefined, array:V[]}

    • Readonlyarray: V[]
    • Readonlyvalue: undefined | V