Function minMaxAvg

Returns the min, max, avg and total of the array or iterable. Any values that are invalid are silently skipped over.

import { Arrays } from '';

const v = [10, 2, 4.2, 99];
const mma = Arrays.minMaxAvg(v);
Yields: { min: 2, max: 99, total: 115.2, avg: 28.8 }

Use Numbers.average, Numbers.max, Numbers.min or if you only need one of these.

A start and end range can be provided if the calculation should be restricted to a part of the input array. By default the whole array is used.

It's also possible to use an iterable as input.

Arrays.minMaxAvg(count(5,1)); // Averages 1,2,3,4,5
  • Parameters

    • data: number[] | readonly number[] | Iterable<number>
    • opts: MinMaxAvgOpts = {}

      Allows restriction of range that is examined

    Returns MinMaxAvgTotal

    {min, max, avg, total}