Compute shortest distance from the source vertex to the rest of the graph.

  • Parameters

    • graph: Readonly<{
          vertices: IMapImmutable<string, Readonly<{
              id: string;
              out: readonly Readonly<{
                  id: string;
                  weight?: number;
    • sourceOrId: string | Readonly<{
          id: string;
          out: readonly Readonly<{
              id: string;
              weight?: number;

    Returns {
        distances: Map<string, number>;
        pathTo: ((id: string) => Readonly<{
            id: string;
            weight?: number;
        previous: Map<string, null | Readonly<{
            id: string;
            out: readonly Readonly<{
                id: string;
                weight?: number;

    • distances: Map<string, number>
    • pathTo: ((id: string) => Readonly<{
          id: string;
          weight?: number;
        • (id): Readonly<{
              id: string;
              weight?: number;
        • Parameters

          • id: string

          Returns Readonly<{
              id: string;
              weight?: number;

    • previous: Map<string, null | Readonly<{
          id: string;
          out: readonly Readonly<{
              id: string;
              weight?: number;