ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelope. An envelope is a value that changes over time, usually in response to an intial trigger.

See the ixfx Guide on Envelopes.

import { Envelopes } from ''
const env = new Envelopes.Adsr({
attackDuration: 1000,
decayDuration: 200,
sustainDuration: 100

Options for envelope are as follows:

initialLevel?: number
attackBend: number
attackDuration: number
decayBend: number
sustainLevel: number
releaseBend: number
releaseDuration: number
releaseLevel?: number
peakLevel: number
retrigger?: boolean
shouldLoop: boolean

If retrigger is false (default), a re-triggered envelope continues at current value rather than resetting to initialLevel.

If shouldLoop is true, envelope loops until release() is called.

env.trigger(); // Start envelope
// Get current value of envelope
const [state, scaled, raw] = env.compute();
  • state is a string, one of the following: 'attack', 'decay', 'sustain', 'release', 'complete'
  • scaled is a value scaled according to the stage's levels
  • raw is the progress from 0 to 1 within a stage. ie. 0.5 means we're halfway through a stage.

Instead of compute(), most usage of the envelope is just fetching the value property, which returns the same scaled value of compute():

const value = env.value; // Get scaled number
env.trigger(true);   // Pass in true to hold
...envelope will stop at sustain stage...
env.release(); // Release into decay

Check if it's done:

env.isDone; // True if envelope is completed

Envelope has events to track activity: 'change' and 'complete':

env.addEventListener(`change`, ev => {
console.log(`Old: ${evt.oldState} new: ${ev.newState}`);

It's also possible to iterate over the values of the envelope:

const env = new Envelopes.Adsr();
for await (const v of env) {
// v is the numeric value
await Flow.sleep(100); // Want to pause a little to give envelope time to run
// Envelope has finished

Hierarchy (view full)


  • Iterable<number>



attackBend: number
attackDuration: number
attackPath: Path
decayBend: number
decayDuration: number
decayDurationTotal: number
decayPath: Path
initialLevel: number
initialLevelOverride: undefined | number
peakLevel: number
releaseBend: number
releaseDuration: number
releaseLevel: number
releasePath: Path
retrigger: boolean
shouldLoop: boolean

If true envelope will loop

sustainLevel: number


  • get hasTriggered(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get isDisposed(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • get isDone(): boolean
  • Returns true if envelope has finished

    Returns boolean

  • get value(): number
  • Returns the scaled value Same as .compute()[1]

    Returns number


  • Returns Iterator<number, any, undefined>

  • Compute value of envelope at this point in time.

    Returns an array of [stage, scaled, raw]. Most likely you want to use value to just get the scaled value.


    • allowStateChange: boolean = true

      If true (default) envelope will be allowed to change state if necessary before returning value

    • allowLooping: boolean = true

    Returns [stage: string, scaled: number, raw: number]

  • Computes a stage's progress from 0-1


    • allowStateChange: boolean = true
    • allowLooping: boolean = true

    Returns [stage: string, amount: number, prevStage: string]

  • Release if 'trigger(true)' was previouslly called. Has no effect if not triggered or held.

    Returns void

  • Changes state based on timer status


    • allowLooping: boolean

    Returns boolean

    True if state was changed

  • Triggers envelope, optionally holding it.

    If hold is false (default), envelope will run through all stages, but sustain stage won't have an affect.

    If hold is true, it will run to, and stay at the sustain stage. Use release to later release the envelope.

    If event is already trigged it will be retriggered. Initial value depends on opts.retrigger

    • false (default): envelope continues at current value.
    • true: envelope value resets to opts.initialValue.


    • hold: boolean = false

      If true envelope will hold at sustain stage

    Returns void