Helper for doing audio analysis. It takes case of connecting the audio stream, running in a loop and pause capability.

Provide a function which works with an AnalyserNode, and does something with the result.

const myAnalysis = (node, analyser) => {
const freq = new Float32Array(node.frequencyBinCount);
// Do something with frequency data...
const a = new Analyser(myAnalysis);

Two helper functions provide ready-to-use Analysers:

Note: Browers won't allow microphone access unless the call has come from a user-interaction, eg pointerup event handler.



analyse: DataAnalyser
analyserNode: undefined | AnalyserNode
audioCtx: undefined | AudioContext
debug: boolean
fftSize: number
showVis: boolean
smoothingTimeConstant: number
visualiser: undefined | default


  • get paused(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

  • set paused(v): void
  • Parameters

    • v: boolean

    Returns void


  • Returns the starting frequency for a given binned frequency index.


    • index: number

      Array index

    Returns number

    Sound frequency

  • Returns the maximum FFT value within the given frequency range


    • lowFreq: number
    • highFreq: number
    • freqData: readonly number[]

    Returns number

  • Returns a binned array index for a given frequency


    • freq: number

      Sound frequency

    Returns number

    Array index into frequency bins

  • Returns void

  • Returns a sub-sampling of frequency analysis data that falls between lowFreq and highFreq.


    • lowFreq: number

      Low frequency

    • highFreq: number

      High frequency

    • freqData: readonly number[]

      Full-spectrum frequency data

    Returns number[]

    Sub-sampling of analysis