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    Function capture

    • Captures frames from a video element. It can send pixel data to a function or post to a worker script.


      • sourceVideoEl: HTMLVideoElement

        Source VIDEO element

      • opts: CaptureOpts = {}

      Returns Capturer

      import {Video} from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/visual.js'

      // Capture from a VIDEO element, handling frame data
      // imageData is ImageData type: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ImageData
      Video.capture(sourceVideoEl, {
      onFrame(imageData => {
      // Do something with pixels...
      import {Video} from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/visual.js'

      Video.capture(sourceVideoEl, {
      workerScript: `./frameProcessor.js`

      In frameProcessor.js:

      const process = (frame) => {
      // ...process frame

      // Send image back?

      self.addEventListener(`message`, evt => {
      const {pixels, width, height} = evt.data;
      const frame = new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(pixels),
      width, height);

      // Process it


      • canvasEl: CANVAS element to use as a buffer (optional)
      • maxIntervalMs: Max frame rate (0 by default, ie runs as fast as possible)
      • showCanvas: Whether buffer canvas will be shown (false by default)
      • workerScript: If this specified, this URL will be loaded as a Worker, and frame data will be automatically posted to it

      Implementation: frames are captured using a animation-speed loop to a hidden canvas. From there the pixel data is extracted and sent to either destination. In future the intermediate drawing to a canvas could be skipped if it becomes possible to get pixel data from an ImageBitmap.