    Preparing search index...

    Function toGenerator

    • Returns an AsyncGenerator wrapper around Reactive. This allows values to be iterated over using a for await loop, like Chains.

      // Reactive numerical value
      const number = Reactive.number(10);

      const g = Reactive.toGenerator(number);
      for await (const v of g) {
      console.log(v); // Prints out whenever the reactive value changes
      // Execution doesn't continue until Reactive finishes

      When/if source closes, an exception is thrown. To catch this, wrap the calling for await in a try-catch block

      try {
      for await (const v of g) {
      } catch (error) {
      // Completed

      Use something like setTimeout to loop over the generator without impeding the rest of your code flow. For example:

      // Listen for every pointerup event
      const ptr = Reactive.fromEvent(document.body, `pointerup`);
      // Start iterating
      setTimeout(async () => {
      const gen = Reactive.toGenerator(ptr);
      try {
      for await (const v of gen) {
      // Prints out whenever there is a click
      } catch (e) { }
      console.log(`Iteration done`);

      // Execution continues here immediately

      Type Parameters

      • V


      Returns AsyncGenerator<V>