    Preparing search index...

    Type Alias SyncOptions

    SyncOptions: {
        finalValue: "undefined" | "last";
        maximumWait: Interval;
        onSourceDone: "allow" | "break";

    Type declaration

    • finalValue: "undefined" | "last"

      If we continue synchronisation when a source is done (via onSourceDone:'allow'), what source should be returned for a completed source?

      • 'undefined': undefined
      • 'last': the last received value, or undefined

      Default: 'undefined'

    • maximumWait: Interval

      Maximum time to wait for synchronisation to happen. If interval is exceeded, stream closes. Default: 2s

    • onSourceDone: "allow" | "break"

      How to handle when a source completes.

      • 'allow' means we continue synchronising with remaining alive sources. Use 'finalValue' option to control what data is returned for completed sources
      • 'break' means we stop the stream, because synchronisation across all sources is no longer possible.

      Default: 'break'.