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    Function observable

    • Creates a RxJs style observable

      const o = observable(stream => {
      // Code to run for initialisation when we go from idle to at least one subscriber
      // Won't run again for additional subscribers, but WILL run again if we lose
      // all subscribers and then get one

      // To send a value:

      // Optional: return function to call when all subscribers are removed
      return () => {
      // Code to run when all subscribers are removed

      For example:

      const xy = observable<(stream => {
      // Send x,y coords from PointerEvent
      const send = (event) => {
      stream.set({ x: event.x, y: event.y });
      window.addEventListener(`pointermove`, send);
      return () => {
      // Unsubscribe
      window.removeEventListener(`pointermove`, send);

      xy.onValue(value => {

      Type Parameters

      • V


      • init: (stream: Reactive<V> & { set(value: V): void }) => undefined | () => void

      Returns Reactive<V>