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    Function func

    • Produces a reactive from the basis of a function. callback is executed, with its result emitted via the returned reactive.

      // Produce a random number every second
      const r = Rx.From.func(Math.random, { interval: 1000 });

      callback can be called repeatedly by providing the interval option to set the rate of repeat. Looping can be limited with options.maximumRepeats, or passing a signal options.signal and then activating it.

      // Reactive that emits a random number every second, five times
      const r1 = Rx.From.func(Math.random, { interval: 1000, maximumRepeats: 5 }
      // Generate a random number every second until ac.abort() is called
      const ac = new AbortController();
      const r2 = Rx.From.func(Math.random, { interval: 1000, signal: ac.signal });

      The third option is for callback to fire the provided abort function.

      Rx.From.func((abort) => {
      if (Math.random() > 0.5) abort('Random exit');
      return 1;

      By default has a laziness of 'very' meaning that callback is run only when there's a subscriber By default stream closes if callback throws an error. Use options.closeOnError:'ignore' to change.

      Type Parameters

      • V


      Returns ReactivePingable<V>