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    Function eventField

    • Fired when eventName fires on target.

      Rather than whole event args being emitted on the stream, it plucks a field from the event args, or if that's missing, from the target.

      // Emits the the value of a field named 'x'
      // on the change event args
      eventField(el, `pointermove`, `x`);

      Type Parameters

      • TFieldValue = string


      • targetOrQuery: null | string | EventTarget

        Event target, HTML element or HTML query (eg '#someId')

      • eventName: string

        Name of event, eg. 'pointermove'

      • fieldName: string

        Name of field, eg 'x'

      • initialValue: TFieldValue

        Initial data

      • options: Partial<
            EventOptions & InitStreamOptions & {
                fallbackFieldValue: TFieldValue;
                fallbackObject: any;
        > = {}

        Options for source

      Returns Reactive<TFieldValue>