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    Function domForm

    • Listens for data changes from elements within a HTML form element. Input elements must have a 'name' attribute.

      Simple usage:

      const rx = Rx.From.domForm(`#my-form`);
      rx.onValue(value => {
      // Object containing values from form

      rx.last(); // Read current values of form

      UI can be updated

      // Set using an object of key-value pairs
      size: 'large'

      // Or set a single name-value pair
      rx.setNamedValue(`size`, `large`);

      If an 'upstream' reactive is provided, this is used to set initial values of the UI, overriding whatever may be in the HTML. Upstream changes modify UI elements, but UI changes do not modify the upstream source.

      // Create a reactive object
      const obj = Rx.From.object({
      when: `2024-10-03`,
      size: 12,
      checked: true

      // Use this as initial values for a HTML form
      // (assuming appropriate INPUT/SELECT elements exist)
      const rx = Rx.From.domForm(`form`, {
      upstreamSource: obj

      // Listen for changes in the UI
      rx.onValue(value => {


      Type Parameters

      • TextendsRecord<string, any>


      • formElOrQuery: string | HTMLFormElement
      • options: Partial<DomFormOptions<T>> = {}

      Returns { el: HTMLFormElement; setNamedValue: (name: string, value: any) => void } & Reactive<
      > & { last(): T } & { set(value: T): void }

      • el: HTMLFormElement
      • setNamedValue: (name: string, value: any) => void
      • last:function
        • Returns T

      • set:function
        • Sets a value


          • value: T

            Value to write

          Returns void