    Preparing search index...

    Function array

    • Reads the contents of array into a Reactive, with optional time interval between values. A copy of the array is used, so changes will not affect the reactive.

      See also arrayObject which monitors changes to array values.

      Reads items from an array with a given interval, by default 5ms

      const data = [`apples`, `oranges`, `pears` ];
      const rx = Rx.From.array(data);
      rx.onValue(v => {
      // v will be each fruit in turn

      Note that there is the possibility of missing values since there is delay between subscribing and when items start getting emitted. If a new subscriber connects to the reactive, they won't get values already emitted.

      Type Parameters

      • V


      Returns Reactive<V> & ReactiveFinite & { last(): V }