    Preparing search index...

    Function float

    • Returns a random float between max (exclusive) and 0 (inclusive). Max is 1 if unspecified. Use floatSource to get a function that produces values. This is used internally.

      // Random number between 0..1 (but not including 1)
      // (this would be identical to Math.random())
      const v = float();
      // Random float between 0..100 (but not including 100)
      const v = float(100);

      Options can be used:

      // Random float between 20..40 (possibly including 20, but always lower than 40)
      const v = float({ min: 20, max: 40 });


      • maxOrOptions: number | Readonly<{ max: number; min?: number; source?: RandomSource }> = 1

        Maximum value (exclusive) or options

      Returns number

      Random number