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    Function divider

    • Returns a function that divides a point:

      const f = divider(100, 200);
      f(50,100); // Yields: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }

      Input values can be Point, separate x,y and optional z values or an array:

      const f = divider({ x: 100, y: 100 });
      const f = divider( 100, 100 );
      const f = divider([ 100, 100 ]);

      Likewise the returned function an take these as inputs:

      f({ x: 100, y: 100});
      f( 100, 100 );
      f([ 100, 100 ]);

      Function throws if divisor has 0 for any coordinate (since we can't divide by 0)


      • a: number | number[] | Geometry.Point | Geometry.Point3d

        Divisor point, array of points or x

      • Optionalb: number

        Divisor y value

      • Optionalc: number

        Divisor z value

      Returns (
          aa: number | number[] | Geometry.Point | Geometry.Point3d,
          bb?: number,
          cc?: number,
      ) => Geometry.Point