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    Function updateOutdated

    • Calls the async fn to generate a value if there is no prior value or interval has elapsed since value was last generated.

      Type Parameters

      • V

        Return type of fn


      • fn: (elapsedMs?: number) => Promise<V>

        Async function to call. Must return a value.

      • interval: Interval

        Maximum age of cached result

      • updateFail: UpdateFailPolicy = ...

        slow by default

      Returns () => Promise<V>


      const f = updateOutdated(async () => {
      const r = await fetch(`blah`);
      return await r.json();
      }, 60*1000);

      // Result will be JSON from fetch. If fetch happened already in the
      // last 60s, return cached result. Otherwise it will fetch data
      const result = await f();

      Callback fn is passed how many milliseconds have elapsed since last update. Its minimum value will be interval.

      const f = updateOutdated(async elapsedMs => {
      // Do something with elapsedMs?
      }, 60*1000;

      There are different policies for what to happen if fn fails. slow is the default.

      • fast: Invocation will happen immediately on next attempt
      • slow: Next invocation will wait interval as if it was successful
      • backoff: Attempts will get slower and slower until next success. Interval is multipled by 1.2 each time.