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    Class WithEvents<V>

    A state machine that fires events when state changes.

    const transitions = StateMachine.fromList(`a`, `b`, `c`);
    const m = new StateMachineWithEvents(transitions);
    m.addEventListener(`change`, event => {
    console.log(`${event.priorState} -> ${event.newState}`);
    m.addEventListener(`stop`, event => {
    console.log(`State machine has reached final state`);

    Type Parameters

    Hierarchy (View Summary)



    • get changedAt(): number

      Returns timestamp when state was last changed. See also elapsed

      Returns number

    • get elapsed(): number

      Returns milliseconds elapsed since last state change. See also changedAt

      Returns number

    • get isDisposed(): boolean

      Returns boolean

    • get isDone(): boolean

      Returns true if state machine is in its final state

      Returns boolean

    • get state(): string

      Returns string

    • set state(newState: StateNames<V>): void

      Gets or sets state. Throws an error if an invalid transition is attempted. Use isValid() to check validity without changing.

      If newState is the same as current state, the request is ignored silently.


      Returns void

    • get statesDefined(): readonly StateNames<V>[]

      Return a list of all defined states

      Returns readonly StateNames<V>[]

    • get statesPossible(): readonly (null | StateNames<V>)[]

      Return a list of possible states from current state.

      If list is empty, no states are possible. Otherwise lists possible states, including 'null' for terminal

      Returns readonly (null | StateNames<V>)[]


    • Returns true if newState is valid transition from current state. Use validateTransition if you want an explanation for the false results.


      Returns boolean

    • Moves to the next state if possible. If multiple states are possible, it will use the first. If machine is finalised, no error is thrown and null is returned.

      Returns null | string

      Returns new state, or null if machine is finalised

    • Resets machine to initial state

      Returns void

    • Throws if it's not valid to transition to newState


      Returns void