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    Type Alias Continuously

    Continuously: HasCompletion & {
        get elapsedMs(): number;
        get interval(): Interval;
        set interval(interval: Interval): void;
        get isDisposed(): boolean;
        cancel(): void;
        reset(): void;
        start(): void;

    Runs a function continuously, returned by continuously

    Type declaration

    • getelapsedMs():number

      How many milliseconds since loop was started after being stopped.

    • getinterval():Interval

      Gets the current interval, ie. speed of loop.

    • setinterval(interval:Interval):void

      Sets the interval speed of loop. Change will take effect on next loop. For it to kick in earlier, call .reset() after changing the value.

    • getisDisposed():boolean

      If disposed, the continuously instance won't be re-startable

    • cancel:function
      • Stops loop. It can be restarted using .start()

        Returns void

    • reset:function
      • (Re-)starts the loop. If an existing iteration has been scheduled, this is cancelled and started again.

        This can be useful when adjusting the interval

        Returns void

    • start:function
      • Starts loop. If already running, does nothing

        Returns void