    Preparing search index...

    Function parseAsAttributes

    • Parses input in the form of: ['elementid-attribute', 'default-value']. Eg, ['indicator-fill', 'gray'] will yield:

      { variable: `indicator-fill`, attribute: `fill`, id: `indicator`, defaultValue: `gray` }

      Once parsed, use setFromVariables to apply data.

      // Array of arrays is treated as a set of key-value pairs
      const options = [ [`indicator-fill`, `gray`], [`backdrop-fill`, `whitesmoke`] ]
      const attrs = parseAsAttributes(options);
      { variable: `indicator-fill`, attribute: `fill`, id: `indicator`, defaultValue: `gray` }
      { variable: `backdrop-fill`, attribute: `fill`, id: `backdrop`, defaultValue: `whitesmoke` }

      // Assign
      setFromCssVariables(document.body, attrs);


      • options: (string | string[])[]

      Returns (CssVariable & { id: string })[]