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    Function pairwiseReduce

    • Reduces in a pairwise fashion.

      Eg, if we have input array of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the reducer fn will run with 1,2 as parameters, then 2,3, then 3,4 etc.

      const values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
      reducePairwise(values, (acc, a, b) => {
      return acc + (b - a);
      }, 0);

      If input array has less than two elements, the initial value is returned.

      const reducer = (acc:string, a:string, b:string) => acc + `[${a}-${b}]`;
      const result = reducePairwise(`a b c d e f g`.split(` `), reducer, `!`);
      Yields: `![a-b][b-c][c-d][d-e][e-f][f-g]`

      Type Parameters

      • V
      • X


      • array: readonly V[]
      • reducer: (accumulator: X, a: V, b: V) => X
      • initial: X

      Returns X