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    Function groupBy

    • Groups data by a function grouper, returning data as a map with string keys and array values. Multiple values can be assigned to the same group.

      grouper must yield a string designated group for a given item.

      Type Parameters

      • K

        Type of key to group by. Typically string.

      • V

        Type of values


      • array: Iterable<V>

        Array to group

      • grouper: (item: V) => K

        Function that returns a key for a given item

      Returns Map<K, V[]>


      import { Arrays } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/data.js';

      const data = [
      { age: 39, city: `London` },
      { age: 14, city: `Copenhagen` },
      { age: 23, city: `Stockholm` },
      { age: 56, city: `London` }

      // Whatever the function returns will be the designated group
      // for an item
      const map = Arrays.groupBy(data, item => item.city);

      This yields a Map with keys London, Stockholm and Copenhagen, and the corresponding values.

      London: [{ age: 39, city: `London` }, { age: 56, city: `London` }]
      Stockhom: [{ age: 23, city: `Stockholm` }]
      Copenhagen: [{ age: 14, city: `Copenhagen` }]