    Preparing search index...

    Function filterBetween

    • Yields elements from array that match a given predicate, and moreover are between the given startIndex (inclusive) and endIndex (exclusive).

      While this can be done with in the in-built array.filter function, it will needlessly iterate through the whole array. It also avoids another alternative of slicing the array before using filter.

      import { filterBetween } from 'https://unpkg.com/ixfx/dist/data.js';

      // Return 'registered' people between and including array indexes 5-10
      const filtered = [...filterBetween(people, person => person.registered, 5, 10)];

      Type Parameters

      • V


      • array: readonly V[] | V[]

        Array to filter

      • predicate: (value: V, index: number, array: readonly V[] | V[]) => boolean

        Filter function

      • OptionalstartIndex: number

        Start index (defaults to 0)

      • OptionalendIndex: number

        End index (by default runs until end)

      Returns Generator<V>