    Preparing search index...
    • Search through children in a path-like manner.

      It finds the first child of root that matches continuePredicate. The function gets passed a depth of 1 to begin with. It recurses, looking for the next sub-child, etc.

      If it can't find a child, it stops.

      This is different to 'find' functions, which exhausively search all possible child nodes, regardless of position in tree.

      const path = 'a.aa.aaa'.split('.');
      const pred = (nodeValue, depth) => {
      if (nodeValue === path[0]) {
      path.shift(); // Remove first element
      return true;
      return false;

      // Assuming we have a tree of string values:
      // a
      // - aa
      // - aaa
      // - ab
      // b
      // - ba
      for (const c of follow(tree, pred)) {
      // Returns nodes: a, aa and then aaa

      Type Parameters

      • T


      • root: TraversableTree<T>
      • continuePredicate: (nodeValue: T, depth: number) => boolean
      • depth: number = 1

      Returns IterableIterator<T>