    Preparing search index...
    • Adds a value by a string path, with '.' as a the default delimiter Automatically generates intermediate nodes.

      const root = addValueByPath({}, 'c');
      addValueByPath({x:'blah'}, 'c.users.admin', root);

      Creates the structure:

      c          value: { }            label: c
      + users value: undefined label: users
      + admin value: { x: 'blah' } label: admin

      By default, multiple values under same key are overwritten, with the most recent winning.

      Type Parameters

      • T


      • value: T
      • path: string
      • Optionalnode: LabelledNode<T>
      • pathOpts: Partial<
                { duplicates: "ignore"
                | "allow"
                | "overwrite"; separator: string },
        > = {}

      Returns LabelledNode<T>