    Preparing search index...
    • Enumerates over children of node towards the node named in path. This is useful if you want to get the interim steps to the target node.

      Use getByPath if you don't care about interim steps.

       * const people = {
      * jane: {
      address: {
      postcode: 1000,
      * street: 'West St',
      * city: 'Blahville'
      colour: 'red'
      * }
      for (const p of Trees.traceByPath('jane.address.street', people)) {
      // { name: "jane", value: { address: { postcode: 1000,street: 'West St', city: 'Blahville' }, colour: 'red'} },
      // { name: "address", value: { postcode: 1000, street: 'West St', city: 'Blahville' } },
      // { name: "street", value: "West St" } }

      Results stop when the path can't be followed any further. The last entry will have a name of the last sought path segment, and undefined as its value.

      Type Parameters

      • Textendsobject


      Returns Iterable<
              { ancestors: string[]; name: string; nodeValue: any; sourceValue: any },