    Preparing search index...

    Function immutable

    • Returns a stack. Immutable. Use Stacks.mutable for a mutable alternative.

      The basic usage is push/pop to add/remove, returning the modified stack. Use the property peek to see what's on top.

      Type Parameters

      • V


      • options: StackOpts = {}


      • ...startingItems: readonly V[]

        List of items to add to stack. Items will be pushed 'left to right', ie array index 0 will be bottom of the stack.

      Returns IStackImmutable<V>

      // Create
      let s = stack();
      // Add one or more items
      s = s.push(1, 2, 3, 4);
      // See what's at the top of the stack
      s.peek; // 4

      // Remove from the top of the stack, returning
      // a new stack without item
      s = s.pop();
      s.peek; // 3