Returns a IMapMutable (which just wraps the in-built Map) Use Maps.immutable for the immutable alternative.
Optional initial data in the form of an array of { key: value } or [ key, value ]
{ key: value }
[ key, value ]
const m = mapMutable();// Add one or more entriesm.add(["name", "sally"]);// Alternatively:m.set("name", "sally");// Recallm.get("name"); // "sally"m.delete("name");m.isEmpty; // Truem.clear(); Copy
const m = mapMutable();// Add one or more entriesm.add(["name", "sally"]);// Alternatively:m.set("name", "sally");// Recallm.get("name"); // "sally"m.delete("name");m.isEmpty; // Truem.clear();
Returns a IMapMutable (which just wraps the in-built Map) Use Maps.immutable for the immutable alternative.